Products / Nutritional / Rumitop (Vet) Powder

Rumitop (Vet) Powder

Generic Name: Appetizer and Digestive Stimulant Therapeutic Category : Nutritional

Each box contains 10 x 20 gm sachet.

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Rumitop (Vet) Powder

Each 20 gm contains Ammonium Bicarbonate BP 5.00 gm, Nuxvomica Powder BP 1.40 gm, Sodium Bicarbonate BP 13.00 gm, Gentian Powder BP 0.30 gm & Ginger Powder BP 0.30 gm.

Mode of action

• Stimulates the growth of rumen bacteria, thus regulating feed fermentation to maximum limits. 
• To assist removing poisoning and toxicity. 
• Play an important role in metabolic acidosis which may be due to severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes.
• To protect animal from uncomplicated bacterial and/or yeast infections.
• Used as an animal feed additive.


Rumitop (Vet) Powder is used for the treatment of cattle, buffalo, horse, goat & sheep suffering from indigestion, inappetence, anorexia, gastritis and ruminal impaction. 

Dosage Administration

Route of Administration: For oral administration only.
Cattle & Buffalo-
For 100-300 kg body weight: 1-2 sachets.
For 301-500 kg body weight: 3 sachets.
Calf, Goat & Sheep-
For 15-25 kg body weight: ¼ - ½ sachet.
For Above 25 kg body weight: ½ - 1 sachet. 
Required quantity of Rumitop (Vet) Powder should be mixed in 1-2 liter of water & administered twice daily for 2-3 days.
Or as directed by the registered Veterinarian.

Side Effects

Common Side effects: Not known.
Rare side effects: Not known.


Sufficient water should supply during treatment.


Contra-indicated in animals hypersensitive to active ingredients.

Pregnancy Lactation

Not known. However risk & necessity should considered before administration.

Withdrawal Period

Meat & Milk- 0 (Zero) day.

Drug Interaction

With medicine: Not known.
With feed & others: Not known.


To be dispensed & sold only by the prescription of a registered Veterinarian & should not be used more than the mentioned amount in the prescription. Fulfill the course of antibiotics according to the advice of the registered Veterinarian.

Store below 30ºC temperature & dry place, protected from light.
Keep all medicines out of reach of children.

Pack Size

Each box contains 10 x 20 gm sachet.

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